11. FEB 2022.
Grand Hall of the Kolarac Foundation

C. M. V. Weber
Oberon, overture
J. Brahms
Variations on Haydn’s Theme
J. Brahms
Symphony No. 3 Op. 90
This concert evening features a traditional program. The concert opens with a magical and mystical overture for C. M. von Weber’s last opera Oberon, which, after several decades, is once again on the repertoire of our orchestra. This is followed by two symphonic works by Johannes Brahms. Variations on a Theme by Joseph Haydn served as an incentive for the composer to complete his First Symphony three years later and to be encouraged in his work on mastering a large instrumentation. Symphony No. 3 is Brahms’ most successful and most performed symphony. Although the author thought it was too popular and too over-performed, he was also fully aware that he had created a symphonic masterpiece.

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