Aleksandra Stanić

Orchestra member since 1 February 2005
I take pride in my choice of occupation. Actually, it is more than just an occupation to me. I am proud of my immense orchestral and chamber music experience, of music creation, playing, dancing and singing with The Secondhanders.
‘Having no other explanation, I spoke about it
with no reserve. At first, I said, they found a perfectly
hungry dog and a remarkably agitated
swallow, then they added some quicklime and cotton,
sewed the whole thing in a piece of leather, wrote a birth certificate,
and declared that it was me.’
Aleksandra Stanić was born in Belgrade, where she also studied the viola at the Faculty of Music, with Prof. Dejan Mlađenović. She pursued further musical training at the chamber and baroque music courses in Serbia and abroad (with Alain Meunier, Istvan Varga, Predrag Novović and others). As a member of the Dušan Skovran Chamber Orchestra between 1995 and 2005, as well as of many other chamber ensembles, including the Renaissance Ensemble Belgrade, she appeared in numerous concerts and festivals, both in Serbia and abroad.
Aleksandra is a member of the Metamorphosis chamber orchestra and the Fullharmony string quartet. In addition to the classical music, she is concurrently active in other music genres and in performance art. She has cooperated for many years with the DAH Theatre and has been a member of the Secondhanders ensemble. Since 2005, she has been a full-time member of the Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra.