Tutti first violin
Аudition program:
Candidates should meet the following minimum requirements:
– Bachelor degree
– A. Mozart: Violin Concerto (A, D, or G major) – 1st movement with cadenza
-Violin Concerto of choice: Beethoven / Brahms / Tchaikovsky / Sibelius / Shostakovich* / Prokofiev (G minor) – 1st movement with cadenza
Orchestral part
– Brahms: Symphony No. 4
– Strauss: Don Juan
– Mendelssohn: AMidsummer Night’s Dream
– Bartók: Concerto for Orchestra
– Prokofiev: Symphony No. 1, Classical
* If the candidate chooses the Shostakovich Concerto for their audition program, they are expected to play the 1st and 2nd movement.
NOTE: In both the first and second round, the audition committee will be choosing orchestral parts for the candidate to play.