Zoran Sekulić

Born on 6 September 1958 in Belgrade.
Graduated in 1981 at the Faculty of Law, Belgrade University (International Law Department).
Founder and Director of the FoNet d.o.o. media and publishing company and the Editor-in-Chief of the FoNet News Agency – the first private news agency in Serbia with independent editorial policy, which started to operate on 7 February 1994.
Chairman of the Management Board of the Serbian Media Association, the largest business association of newspaper publishers, news agencies and web portals in Serbia.
Member of the International Federation of Journalists, Independent Journalistic Association of Serbia (IJAS), South East Europe Media Organization (SEEMO – Vienna) and one of the founders of the regional Association of Private News Agencies (APNA Skopje).
He was a member of the Media Centre Management Board for several years.
On behalf of the media community (Media Association, IJAS, JAS, IJAV and Local Press), he acted as a negotiator with the Serbian Government in the process of drafting the Media Strategy in September 2011.
Recipient of the OSCE Person of the Year 2012 Award for his contribution to media reforms in Serbia.
On behalf of the Media Association, between January and June 2013, he participated as an observer in the Ministry of Culture and Information’s Work Group tasked with drafting the Law on Public Information and Media.
He started his professional journalism career in 1982, as a reporter in Radio 202 Belgrade.
Between 1983 and 1993, he worked as a journalist and editor in the Tanjug News Agency. As a reporter, he covered all of the most important domestic and international political events during the former Yugoslav crisis, including former Yugoslav Presidency sessions, the negotiations between the presidents of Yugoslav republics and autonomous provinces and the International Conference on ex-Yugoslavia, chaired by Lord Carrington in The Hague.
In the autumn of 1992, due to differences with Tanjug’s editorial policy, he resigned as editor of the politics desk. In November 1993, he left Tanjug. In January 1994 he founded FoNet d.o.o.
As the manager of FoNet, which has had more than 600 journalists, cameramen, photojournalists, audio and video editors in the 20 years of its existence, he has helped the Agency gain the reputation of a professional, unbiased, reliable and trustworthy source of information, which is also recognized beyond the boundaries of Serbia.
Almost 10 years ago, he developed and implemented the concept of digital multimedia agency production of FoNet news, the first of the kind in Serbia and this part of the world.
At the Prix Europa media festival, one of the most prestigious and renowned international festivals of electronic and digital media, the interactive multimedia system of FoNet’s news was included in 2005 among 25 most advanced information online platforms in Europe from several hundred European internet publications of traditional and web-based media companies.
He has created specialized multimedia news services FoNet Euroservice, FoNet Regions, FoNet Citizen, FoNet Municipalities, IPTV FoNetweb.tv and the first citizen journalism portal in Serbia Moja vest (My News).
He was a special correspondent from the EU institutions, including the European Council and the European Parliament, NATO, Council of Europe, UN Security Council and General Assembly, State Department, Kremlin, Beijing, Shanghai, Jerusalem, Paris, Madrid, Berlin, Athens, London, Bucharest and many other places.
His professional advancement included study visits to trade associations and news desks in London, Cardiff, Bonn, Berlin, Brussels, Strasbourg, Tel Aviv, Moscow, Sankt Petersburg, Toronto, Montreal, Ottawa, New York, Washington D.C., Miami, Columbia Journalism School (Missouri) and UCLA (Los Angeles).
He is the author of thousands of agency and newspaper articles, radio and TV feature stories, published in Serbia and in the neighbouring countries and quoted by many foreign media outlets.
As an introductory speaker, panellist and moderator, he has participated in the most significant domestic, regional and European conferences and professional conventions in the field of journalism and the media industry.
He speaks English fluently.