In almost a decade of its existence, the Foundation has realised many projects and activities in line with its goals.
Most activities have been realised with the support of partners and collaborators, and in many cases collaboration has developed into true friendship and partnership, including:
Hemofarm Foundation
Delta Foundation
Diplomatic missions:
Embassy of the USA
Embassy of Israel
Delegation of the EU
Embassy of Mexico
Organisations, companies and associations:
AmCham – American Chamber of Commerce in Serbia
European Movement in Serbia
Banca Intesa
Vojvodjanska banka
Creative Educational Centre for People with Development Disabilities
Subotica Gerontology Centre
Althea Association of the Blind and Visually Impaired
Centre for Youth Integration – Drop-in Centre
Educational institutions:
Petar Krančević School of Music, Sremska Mitrovica
Trebinje School of Music
Davorin Jenko School of Music
Faculty of Arts, Niš
Stevan Hristić School of Music, Stanišor (Gnjilane municipality)
Faculty of Arts, Zvečan and Kosovska Mitrovica
Sava Žebeljan Primary School, Crepaja
Takovski ustanak Grammar School, Gornji Milanovac
Health institutions:
New Belgrade Health Care Centre
Jedro Health Care Centre
Anlave Clinic
Irva Clinic