Celebrated conductor Michail Jurowski, a representative of the famous dynasty of conductors and a special guest of the Belgrade Philharmonic, will conduct once again at Kolarac Hall on April 12, at 8:00 p.m. The audience will have the unique opportunity to hear Dmitri Shostakovich’s last symphony in his interpretation — in addition to being the […]
The free tickets for the baby concerts organized by the Belgrade Philharmonic on January 9 and 10 were given away in less than 20 minutes. The baby concerts have generated enormous interest since September, when they were held for the first time, so the queue for the limited number of tickets was already formed at […]
Belgrade Philharmonic to perform symphony whose premiere was heardby 25 million people! After nearly a half century, the magnificent Eighth Symphony by Dmitry Shostakovich will be on the program of the Belgrade Philharmonic, with conductor Daniel Raiskin, at Kolarac Hall, on Friday, December 21, at 8:00 p.m. First on the program will be Edward Elgar’s […]
The Belgrade Philharmonic will formally open the 43d NOMUS (Novi Sad Music Festival) with a concert in the Serbian National Theater in Novi Sad, on Thursday, 19 April. Together with piano star Alexander Gavrylyuk, and conductor Dania Raiskin, the orchestra will perform well-known classical music hits – Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto No. 3 and Stravinsky’s “Fireworks” […]
Regarding the Belgrade Philharmonic’s ongoing strike, Chief Conductor Gabriel Feltz shared a letter of support: “Ladies and gentlemen, our devoted audience, My name is Gabriel Feltz, and I have had the privilege of serving as the Chief Conductor of the Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra since 2017. This is an exceptional ensemble — the fourth orchestra […]
The Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra was the musical cheering squad on Sunday, May 23rd, supporting the participants of the 36th Belgrade Marathon. Positioned on the Ada Bridge between the 13th and 15th kilometer of the race, the philharmonic orchestra cheered on the runners by performing works by Mozart and Beethoven. The atmosphere at Ada Bridge, one […]
Posted by Petar on 23. 4. 2023
German-born mezzo-soprano Eva Vogel won her BA from Mannes College of Music in New York, and her Masters in Music from Yale University. Privately she worked with Christa Ludwig and Brigitte Fassbaender. Having completed her studies in the USA, Eva Vogel became a member of the opera studio at Cologne Opera, before being engaged as […]
Posted by bgf on 3. 11. 2022
The most prominent piano manufacturer, Steinway & Sons, continues the evolution of this instrument with the introduction of Spirio | r, the world’s finest high-resolution piano system for live performance capture and playback. Today’s most exclusive instrument is an unprecedented revolutionary blend of artistry, craftsmanship and technology. Spirio | r provides artists with powerful new tools of […]
Posted by bgf on 27. 9. 2022
Beethoven marathon: Realisation of the concept had historical significance, and not just for the Balkans. All 9 Beethoven symphonies in a day June 27, 2022 Jonathan Sutherland for slippedisc.com: (…) Yesterday’s herculean marathon performed by German conductor Gabriel Feltz with the Belgrade and Dortmund Philharmonic orchestras in the delightful Serbian city of Novi Sad […]
Posted by bgf on 1. 7. 2022
Од нашег вољеног директора Ивана Тасовца опраштају се бројни пријатељи. Легендарног Тасу није могуће заборавити, а ово је место за ваше успомене.
Many friends are bidding their last farewell to our beloved director Ivan Tasovac. It is impossible to forget the legendary Tasa, and this is the place for your condolences.
Posted by Simple Task on 7. 10. 2021
Dear Taso, You have woven the first and basic rule into the Belgrade Philharmonic and taught us to do everything differently. That is why we do not write commemorative texts, in memoriam reviews, or farewells, because you would reprimand us for that. Detesting form, politely disobedient and subtly brazen-faced to the extreme, you set the […]
Posted by bgf on 30. 9. 2021
LOCATION What will be the location of the new Belgrade Philharmonic Concert Hall? The Belgrade Philharmonic’s new concert hall will be located in the eastern part of New Belgrade, more precisely, in Block 13 – between the area called “Ušće” and the government building called the “Serbia Palace” – where the Belgrade Philharmonic held its […]
Posted by Simple Task on 9. 3. 2021
1967 – The existing building of the Belgrade Philharmonic was built on Studentski trg 11 as a temporary solution. 2004 – Adaptation and restoration of the building due to dereliction. Although it was a kind of feat in its time, this reconstruction was still performed within the existing dimensions, which are not sufficient for work […]
Posted by Simple Task on 9. 3. 2021
Posted by Simple Task on 8. 12. 2020
The COVID pandemic has affected the performing arts and completely changed the previous practices of listening to and performing music. All the Belgrade Philharmonic’s plans for its 2020-21 concert season have been archived and are waiting for better times, and the main word that accompanies the announcement of cultural events is – restriction – of […]
Posted by bgf on 17. 11. 2020
Stay at Home – Listen to Music! Since our orchestra’s performances have been canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Belgrade Philharmonic has prepared a variety of contents that can be monitored daily on the social networks and on our website. Below are links to the materials that are already available: Blogs by our musicians […]
Posted by bgf on 6. 4. 2020
Carnival of the Animals, one of the most famous works of classical music, was written by French composer Camille Saint-Saëns in 1886. This humorous fourteen-movement musical suite was written on the occasion of carnival holidays. Carnival of the Animals premiered at a private party, although the author originally intended it for his students. The composer […]
Posted by bgf on 20. 3. 2020
In 1936, 50 years after Camille Saint-Saëns wrote the Carnival of the Animals, the Central Children’s Theater of Moscow commissioned Russian composer Sergei Prokofiev to write a piece that was intended to enrich the musical taste of children. The music and text of the symphonic story Peter and the Wolf for narrator and orchestra were […]
Posted by bgf on 20. 3. 2020
The formal opening of the Belgrade Philharmonic’s new concert season entitled #followbeethoven will be held at Kolarac Hall on Friday, 20 September at 8:00 p.m. under the direction of Chief Conductor Gabriel Feltz, also featuring Jean-Efflam Bavouzet, one of the world’s most sought-after pianists, performing the works of Vasilije Mokranjac, Ludwig van Beethoven, and Gustav […]
Posted by bgf on 18. 9. 2019
Posted by Simple Task on 26. 8. 2019
Disney’s Fantasia Live will be performed a week later, on Sunday, June 30, at 8:30 p.m. Due to Red Meteoalarm warnings and the severe weather forecast issued by the Serbian Hydro-meteorological Institute, the Belgrade Philharmonic’s open-air concert is being postponed for a week and will be held at Ušće on Sunday, June 30. Even though […]
Posted by bgf on 23. 6. 2019
Gabriel Feltz, chief conductor of the Belgrade Philharmonic, will hold three concerts this week. First, as pianist and host of our Musical Talks on Wednesday, May 22, and then as conductor at two concerts of the Belgrade Philharmonic at Kolarac Hall, on Thursday and Friday (May 23 and 24). At our Musical Talks, informal matinée […]
Posted by bgf on 21. 5. 2019
Posted by Simple Task on 16. 5. 2019
Трећи спектакл на отвореном Београдске филхармоније Чувену Дизнијеву фантазију уживо изводи Београдска филхармонија заједно са шефом-диригентом Габријелом Фелцом на великом концерту на отвореном који ће се одржати 23. јуна 2019. године. Први пут у региону, на традиционалном филхармонијском пикнику на Ушћу, публика ће уживати у најлепшем анимираном спектаклу свих времена уз чувене нумере класичне музике […]
Posted by bgf on 17. 4. 2019
Our most popular performances, the famous baby concerts, have started today at the Belgrade Philharmonic, and we will play two concerts on Friday, at 11:00 a.m. and at 12.30 pm. Conductor Aleksandar Kojić and the Belgrade Philharmonic will play the Symphony of Lullabies, which the toddlers adore and look at the orchestra with great curiosity […]
Posted by bgf on 4. 4. 2019
Our most popular performances, the famous baby concerts, have started today at the Belgrade Philharmonic, and we will play two concerts on Friday, at 11:00 a.m. and at 12.30 pm. Conductor Aleksandar Kojić and the Belgrade Philharmonic will play the Symphony of Lullabies, which the toddlers adore and look at the orchestra with great curiosity […]
Posted by bgf on 1. 4. 2019
Posted by Simple Task on 8. 6. 2018
Posted by bgf on 1. 4. 2017
Posted by bgf on 30. 11. 2015