Now Available! First CD of Belgrade Philharmonic with Gabriel Feltz
This Wednesday we have selected Ilya Muromets, a program symphony by Reinhold Glière, about this popular
Russian folk hero. It is a recording from the first CD of the Belgrade Philharmonic with Chief Conductor Gabriel
Feltz, released on the German record label Drayer Gaido.
From a famous mythical character, over time Ilya Muromets became a hero of many films, paintings,
monuments, caricatures, and anecdotes. He also inspired Russian composer Reinhold Glière to portray his
legendary heroism and the most important moments of his life through this symphony.
The Belgrade Philharmonic’s premiere of Ilya Muromets for the entire Balkan region was performed in 2019.
After the premiere, a complex 18-hour recording session began in the Belgrade Philharmonic’s concert hall.
This is our orchestra’s first CD for the world market, which you can purchase online on this link.