Baby Philharmonic – two places at the same time
The Belgrade Philharmonic will hold concerts for babies in two cities: Novi Sad and Smederevo, on Saturday, October 12th. The Novi Sad babies will be at the Matica srpska gallery
enjoying two concerts, at 11:00 a.m. and 12.30 p.m. and the Smederevo concerts at the Culture Center will be at 12:00 noon.
The Philharmonic baby boom is spreading beyond Belgrade, so different ensembles will visit different cities in Serbia.
The concert begins on Saturday with a new series of performances at the Matica srpska gallery, which the Philharmonic regularly visited during the previous season and played for over 1000 babies. The Belgrade Philharmonic was warmly greeted at the Smederevo Cultural Center earlier this year and will now play for the first time for the babies of this city.