As part of the series of children’s concerts, the Belgrade Philharmonic Orchestra will entertain young school kids from grades I-IV, in the period 23–31 March, weekdays at 10am and 12 noon, presenting The Travels of Mija the Mouse. According to the lyrics of Laza Lazić, narrated by actor Milena Moravčević, Mija the Mouse visits various European countries and travels through Spain, United Kingdom, Italy, France, Germany and Serbia. Using characteristic examples from the musical literature, the BPO musicians will portray the typical aspects of those countries, while the youngsters can also follow Mija’s adventures through the illustrations by Jelena Kosovac Savić.
Ticket price is RSD 300. For individual visits, tickets are sold at the Belgrade Philharmonic Ticket Office 15 minutes before concerts. For organised group visits of school children, please contact as by e-mail at produkcija@bgf.co.rs or ring us at +381112623184.